Public Art Trail
Original Artworks
Christmas Gifts under $50
Silvereye Astratta
Fallen-bark Looper Moth
Australian Bird Art gift cards
We Wish You a Wrenny Christmas Gift Card
Avoca Silo Glow in the dark Stubby Holder
Superb Blue Fairy Wren w Lichen
Spotted Pardalote
Wilpena Magpie
Wilpena Kookaburra
Wilpena Red Breasted Robin
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Avoca Barking Owl - 40cm(D)
Gutsy the Wombat Stickers w text
Gutsy the Wombat Stickers no text
Gutsy the Wombat Fridge Magnet
Large 30cm Caravan/Truck decal
Jimmi's Trick of the Eye 3D street art workbook - for individuals and households
Trick of the Eye 3D street art workbook - for organisations
Printed Trick of the Eye Colouring Workbook - for individuals and households
Digital Trick of the Eye Colouring Workbook - for individuals and households
Digital Trick of the Eye Colouring Workbook - for Organisations
Kookaburra Modellato
The Empress - Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
In Spirit - limited-edition hand-finished print
Prophecy - The Australian Barking Owl
Together We Thrive - New Holland Honey Eater
The Heart's Will - Superb Blue Fairy Wren
The Whole Hearted - Australian Galahs
Dive Deep - Kingfisher
Inner Light - White Peacock
Gutsy the Wombat - limited-edition print
Kulinda the Cheetah - limited-edition print
Nanki & Morili the Servals - limited-edition print
Gift Cards - Mixed Pack
Gift cards - Crimson Rosellas in Boxthorn