public art
Jimmi is highly experienced in the field of public art, developing, managing and installing over 30 major permanent public art works across the state of Victoria since 2018. He is fully insured for public works through NAVA (the National Association for the Visual Arts) and has an EWP HRW License (Elevated Work Platform High Risk Work License) for operating knuckle booms/boom lifts, scissor lifts and working at elevated, high risk sites. Jimmi also has extensive experience working with councils and organisations in developing detailed work plans and SWMSs (Safe Work Method Statements) that are often a requirement for councils and government organisations such as WorkSafe Victoria and SafeWork NSW.
As well as public art works, Jimmi has countless works on the walls of Lyndoch Living Aged Care in Warrnambool, created as part of his Artist In Residence program that ran between 2018 and 2022.
A few examples of Jimmi's public works are shown below, but for the full list of works, click on the Jimmi's Art Trail Map.
Murrumbateman Water Tank
Painted for the Murrumbateman Lions Club and the wider Murrumbateman community in February 2023.
A community project supported by Murrumbateman Lions Club and the incredible local Murrumbateman community, with specialised and knowledgeable information generously shared by Murrumbateman Landcare Group.

Pelicans Port Fairy
Painted for Carmel and Tim Brady at Pelicans Chocolate Coffee, this mural project was completed in two stages. The first shows trompe l’oeil Pelicans in the aptly named Coffee Alley, showing two life-sized pelicans either side of the alley way. The second stage features Jimmi's landscape silhouette technique showing the iconic Port Fairy lighthouse and Norfolk Pines, neither of which are native, but both having become iconically Port Fairy.

Weelan - Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo
Created for the WRAD Public Art Project. Huge thanks fo Geoff and the whole team at WRAD for the opportunity.
Weelan, the yellow tailed black cockatoo, is a significant totem or moiety ancestor for the Gunditjmara and Maar Nation people. This ancestral being is also known locally as Kapatj, Gamadj, Wilan and Wotan, the latter two being an imitation of its call. For Maar and Mara people, the call of the black cockatoo foretold the approach of friends. In documented Kee Wurrung meteorology, the dark segment of sky in blue-grey beneath the pink/orange antitwilight arch to the East is called Kappiheear puuron, or 'black cockatoo twilight'. These birds signify the coming of rain and are also believed to be the guides and guardians of the spirits of loved ones on their journey to rest amongst the Ancestors.
The first mural featuring Jimmi's new silhouetted landscape painting technique, it features the majestic bird flying across Warrnambool's Norfolk Pines.

Avoca Silo - Central Victoria
The Avoca Silo Art Project is the first glow in the dark silo in the world. By day, it features the Australian Barking owl sitting on a local gum branch above the distant Pyrenees Ranges, and by night, the barking owl silhouettes against the glow in the dark night sky.
The glow feature of this mural is charged by two huge LED banks. Visitors to the site press press a button which turns on the lights for 30 seconds, charging the glow in the dark paint.
Visitors can also use a mobile phone torch (or similar) to draw their own designs onto the glow in the dark paint on the Pyrenees Ranges below creating their own designs and silhouette artworks.

Lismore Water Tower (Victoria)
In 2019, Jimmi was chosen to paint the Lismore Water Tower in Lismore Victoria. Depicting two dancing brolgas in a early morning misty field with three sheep.
The water tower was painted in early 2020 and now forms part of the Australian Art Silo Trail.
The project was proudly supported by GPG Naturgy Group, Corangamite Shire Council, Haymes Paints, Hire Australia and Fairway Coffee and Eatery Lismore.

"Gutsy" the Wombat
Created by me & saved by Phil Hoye
Watch the viral video created by Emily Bissland from ABC HERE
The now famous Warrnambool Wombat was created by me back in April 2018. I originally created it as a temporary chalk piece so I could practice for a separate 3D artwork I had been commissioned to do by Warrnambool City Council.
I was going to leave it up for a few days and then wash it off, but then a local larrikin Phil Hoye snuck over and painted a clear coat over the top of it.
The full hilarious story can be seen below on the now viral ABC South West Video produced by Emily Bissland.
The full story can be read HERE.

MacKillop Family Services Mural
In February 2019 Jimmi completed a mural for MacKillop Family Services in Warrnambool. The mural was to show the services in foster care and family support that MacKillop provides to the region. With this brief in mind, Jimmi came up with this concept, depicting a young girl entering through a hole in the wall of MacKillop to discover the beauty in Warrnambool.

Liebig Street Warrnambool anamorphic Kookaburras
The anamorphic Kookaburras in Liebig street, Warrnambool were a collaboration between Jimmi and local artist Alara Harris. The piece depicts two kookaburras sitting atop the drinking fountain in the Main Street. These anamorphic artworks work from a single viewing point, where from any other point, the kookaburras seem stretched and misplaced, but viewed from the right location they appear to be standing up in 3D

3D anamorphic Penguins & Fox
In June 2018, Warrnambool City Council commissioned myself and local artist Alara Harris to create a 3D artwork in a laneway as part of the Liebig street City Renewal Project. The idea was to increase public interest and traffic into the alleyways and laneways behind the businesses that were affected by the street rebuild.
We chose to create the story of Oddball, depicting an angry fox about to attack a little clutch of Warrnambool's local Fairy Penguins.
Located behind Fishtales cafe, this anamorphic artwork works from a single view point, where from any other point the artwork seems stretched and misplaced, but viewed from the right location it appears to be standing up in 3D.
Visitors can place themselves between the fox and penguins, essentially making themselves Oddball (from the movie Oddball) and protect the penguins from attack.

In Spirit - Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos
Ozone Walk, Warrnambool
The Ozone Walk Mural Project was first pitched as part of the inaugural Beers + Ideas place-making gathering at Super Kawaii Studios in Warrnambool in October 2017.
The striking Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo represents a powerful spiritual symbol in Australian Dreaming and is often associated with auspicious outcomes including emotional freedom, joy, contentment and rain.
The Black Cockatoo is considered a liberating energy, promoting a purity in expression and creativity whilst aiding in letting go of self judgement. The Black Cockatoo teaches us that where we find our inspiration will be where we can fully connect to ourselves and be in true spirit.
A cockatoo pair will mate for life, which can be over 50 years, and they will care for each other into their old age, even after they can no longer reproduce.
The male black cockatoo will dance to impress his mate by bopping his head like a hip-hop star and fluffing up his crest. He will also bring her food gifts, sing to her and preen her feathers to show his affection during the autumn breeding season. The female will often give the male a sharp peck for his efforts as if bringing him into line.
The Ozone Walk Mural Project "In Spirit" was made possible by the kind and generous support of Beers+Ideas, The Warrnambool Art Gallery, Warrnambool City Council, Hammonds Paints Warrnambool and Hire Australia Warrnambool.